I had a chat with Chandra (@CGuntur) regarding exposure of Maven committers.
My experience is that most Maven users just use it, without knowing the people 
behind and (yes, people, not a company). Twitter has been a good way to share 
information regarding Maven.
To get more attention, I've added a twitter-property to my profile in the maven 
parent pom.
After triggering the website the team-list[1] has been expanded with a 
Not the nicest look and feel, but having my twitter handle here is more 
important to me.

I could add all known twitter handles, but I leave it up to every committer to 
add this property as well.
Simply update your profile in the maven-parent if you want.


[1] https://maven.apache.org/team.html

[2] https://github.com/apache/maven-parent/blob/master/pom.xml

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