Le 2023-10-29 à 20 h 58, Romain Manni-Bucau a écrit :

Is it really different since part of options are related so either we align on the jvm making using maven location mapping easier or we fully integrate but means we must detect errors in options which is for me a hard task

Why do we need to detect errors in options, isn't the Java error message sufficient? The Java error messages are already quite informative regarding those options (after we learned the philosophy).

Those options indeed apply only for <type>module</type>. But the way I envision that would be a separated block in <dependency> for saying "if this dependency is added on the module-path, then add those --add-exports options". It would be used mostly for the JUnit or TestNG dependency. In this proposal, this element would be independent to <type>, except that it would be ignored (or raise an error) if the type is JAR.

side note: please think about transitivity, here with the proposal you must define *all* your transitive deps in your consumer pom. Completely changes the maven philosophy.

Why would we need to declare all transitive dependencies? The <type>module</type> element in the pom.xml of each dependency would apply.


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