
You are missing the topic of this whole thread.
What you wrote in any of your mails is totally unrelated to the thread.

I do feel sorry, or unsure, maybe sympathize with your work issues and
difficulties, but I still cannot understand what all that has to do with
the ASF Maven Project?
This thread is about the "Java requirement for Maven4" that is not even GA
I am 99.999% sure it is NOT yet used (as it is not released yet) in any of
those 'big tech' companies, that tortures you.


On Tue, Feb 6, 2024 at 3:01 PM Elliotte Rusty Harold <elh...@ibiblio.org>

> On Mon, Feb 5, 2024 at 8:46 PM Benjamin Marwell <bmarw...@apache.org>
> wrote:
> >
> > Besides that, most big (tech) companies do not allow unmaintained or
> > unsupported software.
> How I wish that were true. Unmaintained and unsupported software is
> all over the place, in big tech, little tech, enterprise, and my
> mother's MacBook. I doubt you can install a Linux distro that doesn't
> depend critically on some unmaintained library no one is paying
> attention to.
> What big tech mono-repo companies do differently that most other
> companies don't is build everything from source themselves, kernel and
> build tools included, so that when some critical bug surfaces they can
> dig into the code and fix it. They are mostly not dependent on
> binaries shipped by third parties. It's a feasible option for
> companies in the hundreds of billions of dollars range. For the rest
> of us, not so much.
> --
> Elliotte Rusty Harold
> elh...@ibiblio.org
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