hi Tamasz,

I think you're right on maven-dependency-tree, as it was with maven-artifact-

I'm not really convinced *many* shared stuff should be dropped: IMHO, over-

And I think that when replacing a shared stuff with direct use of an existing 
API, in fact what normal people are looking for is documentation on how to 
migrate: the shared components have one great advantage = they show a quite 
simple API that is easy to use, but it's not so easy to find the replacement 
hidden inside many big APIs

I'm supportive to deprecating maven-dependency-tree and also finally drop 
officially maven-artifact-transfer which has not been done yet.
What I'd like is that some clear documentation is written on how to migrate 
away from these deprecated components

If you see any other shared component that deserve such plan, don't hesitate 
to share: I don't see so many cases



Le lundi 20 mai 2024, 14:25:11 CEST Tamás Cservenák a écrit :
> Howdy,
> I see ongoing development against many "shared" libraries, that in fact,
> should be dropped instead. One notable example is "maven-dependency-tree".
> This codebase was born (well, factored out) from Maven2 reporting, to be
> extended with "Maven 3.0 support", then "Maven 3.1 support" and is just
> collecting debt.
> This library, if you look at it now, is anemic and is merely a "wrapper"
> around Resolver classes, uses ancient stuff (read Maven2 classes) and
> patterns, like misuse of ProjectBuildingRequest (same pattern as in ill
> fated MAT), uses deprecated ArtifactRepository class for all kind of stuff
> (hello split repository -- not possible to be used with these). In short,
> this project does not offer any (new, not available) functionality, while
> in turn, hinders and pushes for deprecated stuff. These should cease to
> exist.
> In fact, many shared projects should be scrutinized and most probably
> declared "deprecated", as most of them were born to support Maven2 to
> Maven3 transition (or maybe Maven 3.0 to 3.1+ transition like MAT was),
> while today they just hinder Maven3 to Maven4 change, as many of these
> shared stuff in fact still pull Maven2 classes in play.
> Thanks
> T

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