On 2/8/06, Brett Porter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Some folks seem interested, so I wanted to give a quick overview of the
> repository manager.
> It is an application that runs either standalone or as a webapp with the
> following functionality:
> - repository search
> - repository/artifact browsing and display of artifacts and their
> relationships
> - repository health reports (missing transitive dependencies,
> incorrect/missing checksums, incorrect/missing digital signatures, out
> of place artifacts, missing poms, etc)
> - maven-proxy like support
> - repository conversion
> It has the following modules:
> - discovery: walks a repository and finds all the artifacts in it so you
> can perform a certain action on each, or just the ones that are
> new/deleted since last walked.
> - indexer: used to add artifacts and metadata to the lucene index.
> Includes elements of the POM and checksums
> - converter: copy artifacts from one repository to the other, changing
> layout, converting metadata if required.
> - artifact-applet: applet to allow you to checksum a large artifact on
> your local machine and upload the checksum to the server to search
> - reports-standard: a bunch of reports on the status of an artifact in
> the repository
> - proxy: maven-proxy like functionality
> - utils: checksum, pathing, etc
> - webapp: webwork 2 and plexus based webapp for running it all
> Any questions?

Just what I was looking for. Thanks for pointing it out on the user list.

I guess this is the URL, right?



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