+1 on all with those versions

On 12/10/06, Joakim Erdfelt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Here is the breakdown, based on current voting.

Plugin Name                   | Version ID  | Votes
maven-gpg-plugin              | 1.0-alpha-1 |  +8
maven-site-plugin             | 2.0-beta-6  |  +8
maven-remote-resources-plugin | 1.0-alpha-1 |  +8
maven-source-plugin           | 2.0.2       |  +7
maven-javadoc-plugin          | 2.2         |  +7

- Joakim

Joakim Erdfelt wrote:
> After a chat with Jason about the new release process / staging / etc...
> I feel it is time to get a release out for the following plugins.
> maven-gpg-plugin 1.0
> maven-javadoc-plugin 2.2
> maven-site-plugin 2.0
> maven-source-plugin 2.0.2
> maven-remote-resources-plugin 1.0
> This will allow for the following ...
> * release staging.
> * gpg signing of all artifacts.
> * ${artifactId}-${version}-sources.jar creation
> * ${artifactId}-${version}-javadoc.jar creation
> * Proper inclusion of the Apache LICENSE and NOTICE files.
> I would like to call a vote on getting the 5 crucial plugins released in
> a non-SNAPSHOT form.
> Once these plugins are in place, the top level parent poms (maven-parent
> and apache) can be updated to make these processes standard for all
> releases.
> To kick things off ...
> +1 maven-gpg-plugin
> +1 maven-javadoc-plugin
> +1 maven-site-plugin
> +1 maven-source-plugin
> +1 maven-remote-resources-plugin
> - Joakim Erdfelt
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jesse mcconnell

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