On 4/14/07, ArneD <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> 2. Many users don't want to make a distinction between Maven itself
>> and the
>> Maven core plugins (compile, jar, ...).
> This also not true in my experience. Core plugins are not distributed
> with Maven because we have consciously decoupled the lifecycle of
> plugins from the core because any plugins we house here may, in fact,
> be release two or three times between major releases of Maven and
> binding these versions in the core would be a bad idea.

Well, why not release Maven more often then? For those who need a freshly
released plugin version urgently, there still could be an override

Eclipse.org makes coordinated releases of many sub-projects. The
sub-projects do have an independent lifecycle, but there are coordinated
schedules when bundles are published. So each user knows: Every June there's
a new major Eclipse release, and between these releases there's a public
visible schedule when new Milestone releases are published.

I think the only reason Eclipse can get away with this approach is
because IBM are funding a large proportion of the development efforts
with Eclipse.

Maven doesn't have that kind of cash backing to see this happen.

I agree with the points you are raising. I think the cop out answer
will be that Maven is open source and that if these features are
wanted enough then someone needs to scratch the itch and come up with
a solution.

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