"Can't you have a plug-in that generates some file to be consumed by
another plugin? It may not be the most orthodox usage but definitely a
Just because you do not have one now, it does not mean it cannot happen.
The plug-in may not talk to each other but they may use different
versions of the same library that cause some havoc when used together,
because they are incompatible. "

Yes, but if you specify which version of each in your pom, then it will
only change when you want it to. You change the producer (or consumer)
and find they don't work, you put it back or update the other and test.
The whole point of specifying the versions manually is so that some
human makes a conscious decision to update and presumably does some
testing before pushing out to the rest of the team.

"I see it more about having certifications and provide users with stuff
that we all know work well together. 
For example, if I try using the ant-run-plugin on 2.0.5 I need to use
ant-1.6.5 even though ant-1.7.0 is out. And this means you are limited
to the ant-ssh library version you can use, and the jsch version you can
use and so on."

These aren't multiple plugins you refer to, this is a specific problem
with a single plugin and its dependencies. While unfortunate, I don't
think we're even discussing attempting to bundle plugins and all their
related dependencies together.

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