
I'm working on XML encoding support for Maven 2.0.8: did you know? ;)

Everything is ready for Maven itself: IT mng-2254-PomEncoding passes.

Now I'm looking at plugins, and I just found one important issue: there are 4 
core plugins reading and writing POM files - install, deploy, release and 
repository (if you know other ones, please let me know). Then these plugins 
need to be updated and released with Maven, or there will be some big 
problems if somebody adds non-ascii characters in his POMs: either the 
plugins will fail, or even worse, written POM files will be broken, in local 
repository with install plugin, remote repository with deploy plugin, SCM 
with release plugin, or a bundle with repository plugin.

To improve these plugins with full XML encoding support, there is some 
(simple) code, but more importantly there is a need for XML encoding classes 
from plexus-utils 1.4.5.

I could think of 3 ways of doing it:
1. go forward and change plexus-utils dependency version: difficulties to do 
so for release plugin taken apart, the big consequence will be that the 
prerequisite for the plugins would be Maven 2.0.6 (see MNG-2892)
2. be lazy and copy the 4 necessary classes in the 4 plugins, and let the 
plugins continue working with older Maven versions
3. workaround the copy laziness and create a (temporary) component containing 
only the 4 classes needed (not necessary in org.codehaus.plexus.utils package 
tp avoid later conflicts when plexus-utils evolves) and add this dependency 
to the plugins

Each solution has his advantages and drawbacks. Which one should be preferred?



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