Mauro Talevi wrote:
Brett Porter wrote:

I believe we should start to knock these off, and prepare for an alpha release as is, and wanted to see what others thought.

To cover the inevitable questions:

- Why release now?

163 fixes, 32 months since 2.0. 'Nuff said.

I would even make a 2.1-beta-1. Betas are by definition stable but not final - and should not be treated as RCs. Alphas on the other hand tend to less trusted by users - who are more reluctant to try them out or use them in commercial projects.


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I'm definitely in favor of a 2.1 release, but I think it should remain an alpha and not switch to beta. A beta release is normally supposed to be feature complete [1], and as Brett said there are several feature branches that may be merged into 2.1 before the GA release. It's probably better that uses won't trust the alpha release quite as much, because I'm guessing there will be problems that haven't been found yet. So it probably shouldn't be used for production builds/releases yet.


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