On Mon, 23 Jun 2008 14:18:24 Ralph Goers wrote:
> > 2) because and i might be wrong but dependencyManagement messes with the
> > version defined up the chain when what I want is a localised enforcement,
> > its important to isolate the dependency and apply exclusions and version
> > restrictions to guarantee that I get consistent resolution.
> What do you mean "up the chain"? dependencyManagement should behave as
> if you specified the version wherever it is encountered in an actual
> dependency. So managed dependencies specified in one part of a
> dependency tree should only affect other parts of the tree in the same
> way they would with the fully specified dependency.
thats my concern...

> As far as I know version ranges should work just fine. I haven't tried
> it because I don't use them. I don't know what you mean by defining
> dependencies "in terms of each other". Do you mean versions 1.1-1.1.5 of
> Project A can use versions 1.0-1.x of Project B? This works until you
> start throwing in Project C, D, E, F, etc which also have dependencies.
> At some point understanding what is really compatible with what is
> extremely difficult.
have a meeting will explain in more detail later...

Michael McCallum
Enterprise Engineer

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