On 8-Jul-08, at 12:19 AM, Brett Porter wrote:

On 08/07/2008, at 1:47 AM, John Casey wrote:

Jason's referring to a ruby script I wrote to lookup the version string for a particular staged project, for use in the stage:copy mojo. This allows us to setup generic promotion scripts in a CI environment like Hudson. I've committed this script to: https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/maven/sandbox/trunk/scripts .

So basically it's a simple way to do http to http repository copies instead of http to scp?

The rest of this release infrastructure has simply been configuration of hudson and nexus - nexus, to provide a staging ground for releases - to configure release jobs that deploy to this staging location instead of the real release repository...just generalizing on configuration that we all have in our personal settings.xml files by now. Jason's credentials are used for SVN and SSH where necessary, and I've created a new GPG key for use in this CI system, then signed it with my own key. That key ID is: 84B54612.

Sorry, but I'm not at all comfortable with this.

Firstly, it rules out both of our current Hudson instances, since it gives access to people outside the project to be able to read our private release key. I'm not even sure about the wisdom of using a shared key vs. an individual one and would want to ask someone with more experience.

The driving idea is that you generate sub-keys so that if the primary is compromised you don't have the revoke the primary key around the world and breaking everything using the primary key, or breaking everything where a sub-key was generated with the primary key. Fairly standard stuff.

Secondly, it gives others access to Jason's account on people.apache.org that are not Jason, as well as losing the information of who deployed it.

Not in Hudson, the person who initiated a job can be tracked. It's not in the UI but that's easy to capture.

There are other ways to handle the second part if we do have a canonical release repository on a different machine to the present one (namely, a user initiated pull from people which is easy enough).

As long as the movement is auditable and secure it doesn't much matter. Let's say what we want first.

Maybe we could run whatever the final proposal is past the ASF security and infrastructure teams?

I think the Contegix and Infra teams would have valuable input. It's really more at the security level where they would play a part. But the goal is full automation with a reliable tool like Hudson.


Brett Porter

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Jason van Zyl
Founder,  Apache Maven
jason at sonatype dot com

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