David Karlsen managed to find what I'm going to call a "difference" in Wagon SSH :)

Affected: users that have a plaintext password for ssh in settings.xml with keyboard-interactive and plaintext password authentication enabled on the server and no private key being used.

In beta-2, the keyboard-interactive method used the TraditionalKeyboardInteractive class in Wagon which had a hack in it that if it was asking for a password, would pass back the one from the settings. More than a year ago the default handler was switched to one that prompts (which could conceivably hide passwords with jline) [1].

As a consequence, keyboard-interactive now prompts for a password, even if the password is in the settings. I think this is technically the correct behaviour for Wagon - if the server doesn't allow plaintext passwords, but does allow keyboard interactive, I don't think we should be passing in the password from settings.xml.

The improved fix I put in place is to tell the server you'd prefer to auth by plaintext password first, if it is given [2]. If the server rejects that, then you get keyboard-interactive.

Even though the new behaviour is correct in some regards, it is not intuitive for Maven users. The user workarounds are: * add a build extension for wagon 1.0-beta-2 / 1.0-beta-5-SNAPSHOT (obviously preferable)
* set AllowChallengeResponse no on the ssh server
* don't use plaintext passwords

Instead of needing a Wagon release, I was able to put a straightforward (but temporary, to be removed after a later wagon upgrade) fix in to Maven [3].


[3] http://svn.apache.org/viewvc?rev=686244&view=rev

On 15/08/2008, at 2:28 PM, John Casey wrote:


As you've undoubtedly noticed, the RC7 distro didn't last very long before a nasty bug showed up...actually two, but they were related.

At any rate, they're fixed, and here is yet another release candidate. You can get RC8 here:


Thanks for your patience during this release process. I know it's drawn out and getting a little old, but we're getting there. The bottom line is: we need many, many more integration tests to shorten this process. For now, all we can do is add use cases as we come across them.

Good luck, and happy testing!


John Casey
Developer, PMC Member - Apache Maven (http://maven.apache.org)
Blog: http://www.ejlife.net/blogs/buildchimp/

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Brett Porter

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