FYI maven-reactor-plugin 1.0-SNAPSHOT has a site now:

I certainly approve of the idea of rolling at least the "make" "makeDependents" and "resume" parts of this into core, though there's two caveats here:

1) I think I'd like to release this plugin sometime earlier than that, perhaps as a plugin if not as an official Apache Maven plugin. (Though I did already add the Apache license text to all of the source files...)

There's a lot of people on 2.0.x who will take a while to upgrade to 2.1.x, who can benefit from this plugin today.

I presume the reason nobody's done this until now is that we've thought that it couldn't/shouldn't be done as a plugin...?

2) It would be a bit weird to roll in "makeMyChanges" into the core. makeMyChanges queries SCM to find changed files; rolling it into core would require core to depend on maven-scm (which, I think, it doesn't right now...?) to determine what has changed.

Despite that, I think it's arguably the most useful command in the plugin. Where would *that* go?


Brian E. Fox wrote:

I think this looks pretty sweet and similar to the proposal I wrote last
year (but didn't implement yet):

I think that this really belongs in core. Now that trunk has moved to
3.0 and we will have a new 2.1 branch (when we decide to cut it from
2.0.10 or 2.0.9...not sure where the current one came from), this would
be perfect to fit in as a new feature. I don't want the new 2.1.0 to
grow into a monster so for example we could implement this and release
it, then we could add the parallel download and release as 2.2 etc.

-----Original Message-----
From: Dan Fabulich [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, August 14, 2008 8:38 PM
To: Maven Users List; Maven Developers List
Subject: New sandbox plugin: maven-reactor-plugin

I've checked in a new plugin to the sandbox called the "Maven Reactor
Plugin".  You can use it to build a subset of interdependent projects in
reactor.  It should be useful in large reactor builds that include
irrelevant stuff you're not working on.

It includes the following goals:

reactor:resume - resume a reactor at a certain point (e.g. when it fails
  in the middle)
  Example: mvn reactor:resume -Dfrom=bar

reactor:make - build a project X and all of the reactor projects on
  X depends
  Example: mvn reactor:make -Dmake.folders=foo,bar

reactor:makeDependents - build a project X and all of the reactor
  that depend on X
  Example: mvn reactor:make -Dmake.folders=foo,bar

(e.g. if foo depends on baz and quz depends on bar, :make will build
foo,bar,baz whereas :makeDependents will build foo,bar,quz)

reactor:makeMyChanges - build all reactor projects that you personally
  have changed (according to SCM) and all reactor projects that depend
  on your changes
  Example: mvn reactor:makeMyChanges

All of these take an argument -Dmake.printOnly which you can use to see
what the plugin would have done without actually doing it.  (This is
for debugging and exploration.)

This plugin was easy to write, so I fear that it may duplicate other
or that there may already be some clever command line tool to do this

Feedback is appreciated.  It seems to kinda-sorta work on my machine.

The sources are here:

there are some TODOs:

I've deployed a snapshot:

If you want to try it on your machine, copy and paste this POM into a
file (e.g. myfile.xml):

<project xmlns="";

Then run "mvn -U -cpu -f myfile.xml dependency:resolve".  That should
download the deployed snapshot into your local repository.

Since it's a snapshot, you'll have to run it like this:

mvn org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-reactor-plugin:1.0-SNAPSHOT:make
-Dmake.printOnly -Dmake.folders=foo

Please do that and e-mail me to let me know what breaks, or tell me that

I'm an idiot.  :-)


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