2009/2/10 Jason van Zyl <jvan...@sonatype.com>:
> On 10-Feb-09, at 8:37 AM, Stephen Connolly wrote:
>> Which is why I think that the rules need to be defined at the
>> repository, and per groupId
> That's just a nightmare. What's wrong with just settling on something that
> works for everyone. I really and truly can't honestly see how the OSGi
> versioning scheme can't work for folks.
> Every organization and their uncle will come with some reason why their
> BigCo must have 5 digits and 2 qualifiers. It's just fodder for disaster.

Because 5 digits can actually be a good thing....

Yes, I would love to have something other than

[Major].[Minor].[Service pack].[patch].[build]

But given that we've had several builds of patches to a specific
service pack, it's a nightmare to get that information into 4
digits.... and yes, I know windows uses only 4 digits... but come on.
If Maven is going to force 4 digits down our necks that's a bad thing.

Personally, mercury's infinite number of versions is nice.... I think
it should work for everyone, but I am not so arrogant as to assume
that it will.

> The interoperability issues like when someone takes an existing project in
> open source and renames it to their scheme, then you have two repositories
> that have the similar artifacts with different versioning schemes and I just
> don't think it's worth it. Then people start having to make bridges between
> these different systems.

If it's defined at the repository level per groupId, you just leave
that up to the repository manager... if you have a private repo with
differing rules, fine, if you use those rules in somebody else's
groupId, your build will be f*cked, and it's your problem.

> Why don't we just use a scheme that has been around for years and seems to
> be accommodating and working for organizations like Eclipse? They have spend
> a lot of time thinking about and do we really want to get into a debate
> about why 4 digits are better then 3, or why we should sort qualifiers this
> way or that?
> My opinion is that we gravitate toward the OSGi version scheme and be done
> with it. We could make the scheme pluggable but I would basically say if you
> want to deviate you can support the additional tooling required to deal with
> it.

As long as the version comparison works for those people who must use
more than 4 digits, I'm fine if Maven moves to 4 digits in general.
But *stop* assuming that, just because 4 digits is your latest flavour
of the month, 4 digits is best

>> 2009/2/10 Brian E. Fox <bri...@reply.infinity.nu>:
>>> Once multiple resolution strategies start appearing, life will be
>>> infinitely more complicated. If you use a different strategy and I
>>> consume your artifacts, I need to be able to interpret your strategy and
>>> use it when calculating your part of the tree. (and someone else's etc).
>>> That means the strategies need to be implemented and available in the
>>> repository for mercury to use.
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: Stephen Connolly [mailto:stephen.alan.conno...@gmail.com]
>>> Sent: Tuesday, February 10, 2009 3:32 AM
>>> To: Maven Developers List
>>> Subject: Version comparison rules
>>> OK, here's a hairy old chestnut...
>>> Maven has a set of version comparison rules... they don't work for
>>> everyone... well life sucks
>>> Mercury has a new set of version comparison rules... they're a lot
>>> better, but probably don't work for everyone... life still sucks...
>>> I've been thinking, the reality is that version comparison rules are
>>> very much an organisation thing... so they really should be defined by
>>> the organisation...
>>> In versions-maven-plugin, I've added a third version comparator... it
>>> won't work for everyone... life still sucks...
>>> What I'm thinking is that if we had some metadata associated with the
>>> groupId, it could specify what the version comparison rule is for that
>>> groupId (and all it's child groupIds)...
>>> OK, so I can do something similar in versions-maven-plugin to let
>>> people define their rules for their groupIds, but this is something
>>> that should really go into the repository... a
>>> version-comparison-metadata.xml file...
>>> we can start easy, by just defining the root rule as the current maven
>>> rules...
>>> The maven-deploy-plugin and nexus/artifactory could then use that rule
>>> to update the latest and release tags in the metadata.xml files... ok,
>>> so Maven 2.0.x could ignore the rules, or a small change could add
>>> support...
>>> What do people think...
>>> We could even define the v-c-m.xml file to handle rule change-over, so
>>> that we don't break existing builds...
>>> e.g.
>>> <rules>
>>> <rule regex="..." priority="9999">maven</rule>
>>> <rule regex="..." priority="1">mercury</rule>
>>> </rules>
>>> so that versions matching mercury's regex will have a high priority
>>> and use mercury's rule within, while versions matching maven's regex
>>> will always be older than those matching mercury's regex, but will be
>>> compared with each other using maven's rules
>>> -Stephen
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> Thanks,
> Jason
> ----------------------------------------------------------
> Jason van Zyl
> Founder,  Apache Maven
> jason at sonatype dot com
> ----------------------------------------------------------
> We all have problems. How we deal with them is a measure of our worth.
>  -- Unknown
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