Hi all,

  Thus as decided with Mark and Kristian I relaunch a new vote with a better
scope about what we are voting for.

  Next releases of SISU and Aether will be released at Eclipse.org under EPL
1.0 license.
  Before they were published under ASL or dual ASL/EPL licenses thus as
defined in our policy [1] this change put them in Category B [2] and we need
to validate this change by a vote with a majority of the PMC in favor (but
the vote is open to everybody).
  I push only one vote for both dependencies as for now I see no reason to
accept one and not the other.
  This vote will be open for 6 days as we are in august (If we have not
enough votes at the end of next wednesday will see if we really need to
extend it).

  The vote :

  [+1] I'm in favor to use as Maven core dependencies SISU and AETHER libraries
published under EPL 1.0 License and released under eclipse.org governance
  [+0] No opinion, do what you want.
  [-1] I'm against because .... (please elaborate)


[1] http://maven.apache.org/developers/dependency-policies.html
[2] http://www.apache.org/legal/resolved.html#category-b

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