On Mon, Mar 19, 2012 at 5:08 PM, Jos Backus <j...@catnook.com> wrote:
> On Mon, Mar 19, 2012 at 1:39 PM, Jason van Zyl <ja...@tesla.io> wrote:
>> On Mar 19, 2012, at 4:14 PM, Jos Backus wrote:
>>> On Mon, Mar 19, 2012 at 11:46 AM, Jason van Zyl <ja...@tesla.io> wrote:
>>>> I think if some 3rd party wants to provide an RPM have at it. I don't 
>>>> think this is something we want to create or support.
>>> [snip]
>>> Any reason why not, especially when it's easy to do so? It lowers the
>>> bar for users to deploy Maven.
>> You're assuming it's easy to do but as an overall supported aspect of the 
>> project nothing is easy. Maybe easy for you, but not for us :-) Generating 
>> an RPM is one thing, supporting it and have it undergo the construction that 
>> RPM proponents might require like building it offline and running it under 
>> our normal gamut of tests is probably not easy. You're making an assumption 
>> that it lowers the bar, but I would argue that's for a much smaller segment 
>> of the user base then you might think -- I believe Windows users still make 
>> up the largest segment. So as I've argued in the past the value to the 
>> project overall versus the work to actually support creating an RPM is up 
>> for discussion. I don't believe it's worth the effort.
> Well, if installing Maven is really as easy as just unpacking a
> tarball, creating an RPM should not be hard.

The java dependency is an issue.  And then ... every RPM of a Java
package I've ever seen has felt the need to take the self-contained
hierarchy of the normal distro and move things to other places. Config
to /etc, logs to /var/log, &cetra. So, right, one of us could probably
come up with a trivial RPM, which would be trivially rejected by all
of the distro packages.

I could also mention the question of equal rights for debian users,
and don't even get me started on Gentoo.

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