A number of people have contacted me off-list about this.

I really didn't want to call anyone out on this topic. This is a mixed
bag. Citing specific threads would make it concrete what I'm point at,
but it would call people out. I'll respond to the off-list threads.
I'll go this far; we've had (I think) two pretty help-vampirish people
turn up recently with an awe-inspiring lack of the necessary minimal
background in using Windows and Java to have any business trying to
use Maven.

Another aspect of the situation is that a few people are carrying a
disproportionate amount of the load of dealing with the user list, and
if some of the rest of us would step up more, that would be better.

On Sun, Jul 22, 2012 at 10:06 AM, Martin Gainty <mgai...@hotmail.com> wrote:
> correct ..these posts are broadcast worldwide (and then stored as google 
> links).. I am 3500 miles from Bensons location but i am fully capable of 
> reading his emails! I agree the older and wiser maven committee members 
> *should* set a good example so that other maven committers adhere to "the 
> higher Maven standard"BUT this rule *should* apply for all apache committee 
> members! if this rule is broken a corrective email such as this one should be 
> sent to the committee member to adhere to the "properly formatted response"
> This would be a "shot across the bow" from the "Maven Hague" +1
> Martin
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>  > Date: Sun, 22 Jul 2012 08:41:43 -0400
>> Subject: Snark on the users list
>> From: bimargul...@gmail.com
>> To: dev@maven.apache.org
>> Look, I know that we get lots of very provocatively clueless queries
>> on the user list.
>> However, I don't think that it's a good idea to be as acerbic as some
>> of us have been lately.
>> My advice is this: if you are out of patience with clueless email,
>> just don't answer it. If you have a little patience, post a
>> boilerplate email pointing to online resources.
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