On Feb 3, 2013, at 3:26 PM, Baptiste MATHUS <m...@batmat.net> wrote:

> +1.
> Though the feature seems interesting, it should have had its own
> advertisement while being introduced.
> Even after re-reading
> https://cwiki.apache.org/MAVEN/maven-3x-compatibility-notes.html#Maven3.xCompatibilityNotes-ResolutionfromLocalRepository
> I'm
> still unsure about where/when it would bite me.

Does this make sense to you?


h1. Enhanced Remote Repository Support

The feature verifies that the remote repositories configured for the current 
build can be used to successfully resolve the artifact in question. If you 
retrieved an artifact in the past from Central and now changed your build to 
only know about Nexus and it doesn't have any knowledge of that artifact then 
the build is going to fail. Put differently, if you purged your local repo, 
your build won't work either. Neglecting offline mode, the goal is to ensure 
that the resolution works if it could be performed using a clean local repo 
with the current configuration. Giving confidence that co-workers can reproduce 
the build and not depend on some artifact magically being pulled down into your 
local repository in the past which is nowhere to be found in the configured 
remote repository.


And would you want that off by default?

> As I know and like Maven quite well, if I was bitten by that, I might do
> some reseach and find jiras etc.
> Others might just struggle to make it work and grow the maven bashing group
> as Jeff said.
> 2013/2/1 Jeff MAURY <jeffma...@jeffmaury.com>
>> +1 on Arnaud's comments.
>> The main problem with this "feature" is that it is not documented thus I
>> can't explain the real reason why Maven download several times released
>> artifacts and this causes members of the Maven bashing group to grow
>> Jeff
>> On Fri, Feb 1, 2013 at 9:47 AM, Arnaud Héritier <aherit...@gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>>> My position was to propose the low cost possible solution to have a quick
>>> fix and not to wait for months.
>>> If it could be fixed/configurable in aether it may be the solution to
>>> follow but I'm not sure about the status of this 3rd party project
>> (eclipse
>>> migration ...) on which we don't have the hand.
>>> Seriously I helped and lost MANY hours with this problem because it is
>> hard
>>> to diagnose.
>>> I'm sure that many people abandoned to try to understand and just dropped
>>> their local repo or decided to downgraded to m2 (or to switch to another
>>> tool).
>>> I think we can have a lot of similar feedbacks.
>>> The worst thing is to have another thing that users don't understand
>> (lake
>>> of documentation ? communication ?)
>>> The side effect is that changing a repository id (or mirror id) makes
>> maven
>>> to re-download all the earth (while we are claiming from the beginning
>> that
>>> Maven won't never download twice a release).
>>> And when the remote artifact just disappeared it is just a nightmare due
>> to
>>> the lake of correct logs and this case is easy to have.
>>> For example in my company I have a profile to let people DL artifacts
>> from
>>> staging repositories (thus these are releases). It happened that they
>>> activated it once to test a build and then they rebuild the project
>> without
>>> the profile (thinking the artifact is in the local repo) and it fails ...
>>> Sincerely I think I had my worst headaches with maven due to this bug
>>> On Fri, Feb 1, 2013 at 4:47 AM, Jason van Zyl <ja...@tesla.io> wrote:
>>>> On Jan 31, 2013, at 7:13 PM, Arnaud Héritier <aherit...@gmail.com>
>>> wrote:
>>>>> Hi Olivier,
>>>>> Thx a lot for the fix. It will help a lot the community.
>>>>> But from my point of view it's perhaps not yet enough.
>>>>> We should :
>>>>> 1/ change the default behavior to deactivate this control which is
>>>>> difficult to understand
>>>> I disagree. We may want to change it slightly but it's only a problem
>> for
>>>> people who flip between Maven a repository manager and without but it's
>>> to
>>>> ensure the identity of a component. I haven't seen a huge number of
>>>> complaints. I do not want to turn this off. Improve it, sure, but
>> turning
>>>> it off by default I believe is not the right thing to do.
>>>>> 2/ change the error message when this control is activated to
>> clearly
>>>>> explain that the problem comes from the unavailability of the
>> artifact
>>> on
>>>>> its original remote repo.
>>>>> For me 1/ is mandatory and 2/ a nice to have
>>>>> WDYT ?
>>>>> On Fri, Feb 1, 2013 at 12:53 AM, Olivier Lamy <ol...@apache.org>
>>> wrote:
>>>>>> I have pushed a fix for that.
>>>>>> Now you can desactivate the enhanced local repository using:
>>>>>> * new cli option: -slrm,--simple-local-repository-manager
>>>>>> * or in MAVEN_OPTS: -Dmaven.simpleLocalRepoMan=true
>>>>>> will be available for testing here
>>>>>> https://builds.apache.org/job/maven-3.x/ with build #368
>>>>>> 2013/1/31 Jörg Hohwiller <jo...@j-hohwiller.de>:
>>>>>>> Hi Arnaud,
>>>>>>>> +1 to consider the current behavior as a bug.
>>>>>>>> We should be able to deactivate it easily (and perhaps to have it
>>> off
>>>> by
>>>>>>>> default to activate it only on CI servers)
>>>>>>> :)
>>>>>>>> and we should take care to have
>>>>>>>> a real error message explaining the issue and not a classical
>>>> dependency
>>>>>>>> not found while the artifact is in the local repo.
>>>>>>> This is exactly filed here:
>>>>>>> http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/MNG-5185
>>>>>>>> Arnaud
>>>>>>> Cheers
>>>>>>> Jörg
>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>> If know-how becomes know-where, then knowledge gets nowhere.
>>>>>>> [Jörg Hohwiller]
>>>>>> --
>>>>>> Olivier Lamy
>>>>>> Talend: http://coders.talend.com
>>>>>> http://twitter.com/olamy | http://linkedin.com/in/olamy
>> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>>> To unsubscribe, e-mail: dev-unsubscr...@maven.apache.org
>>>>>> For additional commands, e-mail: dev-h...@maven.apache.org
>>>>> --
>>>>> -----
>>>>> Arnaud Héritier
>>>>> http://aheritier.net
>>>>> Mail/GTalk: aheritier AT gmail DOT com
>>>>> Twitter/Skype : aheritier
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Jason
>>>> ----------------------------------------------------------
>>>> Jason van Zyl
>>>> Founder & CTO, Sonatype
>>>> Founder,  Apache Maven
>>>> http://twitter.com/jvanzyl
>>>> ---------------------------------------------------------
>>>> Our achievements speak for themselves. What we have to keep track
>>>> of are our failures, discouragements and doubts. We tend to forget
>>>> the past difficulties, the many false starts, and the painful
>>>> groping. We see our past achievements as the end result of a
>>>> clean forward thrust, and our present difficulties as
>>>> signs of decline and decay.
>>>> -- Eric Hoffer, Reflections on the Human Condition
>>> --
>>> -----
>>> Arnaud Héritier
>>> http://aheritier.net
>>> Mail/GTalk: aheritier AT gmail DOT com
>>> Twitter/Skype : aheritier
>> --
>> Jeff MAURY
>> "Legacy code" often differs from its suggested alternative by actually
>> working and scaling.
>> - Bjarne Stroustrup
>> http://www.jeffmaury.com
>> http://riadiscuss.jeffmaury.com
>> http://www.twitter.com/jeffmaury
>> --
>> Baptiste <Batmat> MATHUS - http://batmat.net
>> Sauvez un arbre,
>> Mangez un castor ! nbsp;! <http://www.twitter.com/jeffmaury>



Jason van Zyl
Founder & CTO, Sonatype
Founder,  Apache Maven

To do two things at once is to do neither.
 -- Publilius Syrus, Roman slave, first century B.C.

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