Hm.. can you expand on how adding another allocation stage for only scarce
resources would behave well? It seems to have a number of problems when I
think through it.

On Sat, Jun 11, 2016 at 7:59 AM, Guangya Liu <> wrote:

> Hi Ben,
> For long term goal, instead of creating sub-pool, what about adding a new
> sorter to handle **scare** resources? The current logic in allocator was
> divided to two stages: allocation for quota, allocation for non quota
> resources.
> I think that the future logic in allocator would be divided to four stages:
> 1) allocation for quota
> 2) allocation for reserved resources
> 3) allocation for revocable resources
> 4) allocation for scare resources
> Thanks,
> Guangy
> On Sat, Jun 11, 2016 at 10:50 AM, Benjamin Mahler <>
> wrote:
>> I wanted to start a discussion about the allocation of "scarce"
>> resources. "Scarce" in this context means resources that are not present on
>> every machine. GPUs are the first example of a scarce resource that we
>> support as a known resource type.
>> Consider the behavior when there are the following agents in a cluster:
>> 999 agents with (cpus:4,mem:1024,disk:1024)
>> 1 agent with (gpus:1,cpus:4,mem:1024,disk:1024)
>> Here there are 1000 machines but only 1 has GPUs. We call GPUs a "scarce"
>> resource here because they are only present on a small percentage of the
>> machines.
>> We end up with some problematic behavior here with our current allocation
>> model:
>>     (1) If a role wishes to use both GPU and non-GPU resources for tasks,
>> consuming 1 GPU will lead DRF to consider the role to have a 100% share of
>> the cluster, since it consumes 100% of the GPUs in the cluster. This
>> framework will then not receive any other offers.
>>     (2) Because we do not have revocation yet, if a framework decides to
>> consume the non-GPU resources on a GPU machine, it will prevent the GPU
>> workloads from running!
>> --------
>> I filed an epic [1] to track this. The plan for the short-term is to
>> introduce two mechanisms to mitigate these issues:
>>     -Introduce a resource fairness exclusion list. This allows the shares
>> of resources like "gpus" to be excluded from the dominant share.
>>     -Introduce a GPU_AWARE framework capability. This indicates that the
>> scheduler is aware of GPUs and will schedule tasks accordingly. Old
>> schedulers will not have the capability and will not receive any offers for
>> GPU machines. If a scheduler has the capability, we'll advise that they
>> avoid placing their additional non-GPU workloads on the GPU machines.
>> --------
>> Longer term, we'll want a more robust way to manage scarce resources. The
>> first thought we had was to have sub-pools of resources based on machine
>> profile and perform fair sharing / quota within each pool. This addresses
>> (1) cleanly, and for (2) the operator needs to explicitly disallow non-GPU
>> frameworks from participating in the GPU pool.
>> Unfortunately, by excluding non-GPU frameworks from the GPU pool we may
>> have a lower level of utilization. In the even longer term, as we add
>> revocation it will be possible to allow a scheduler desiring GPUs to revoke
>> the resources allocated to the non-GPU workloads running on the GPU
>> machines. There are a number of things we need to put in place to support
>> revocation ([2], [3], [4], etc), so I'm glossing over the details here.
>> If anyone has any thoughts or insight in this area, please share!
>> Ben
>> [1]
>> [2]
>> [3]
>> [4]

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