James, I'm curious, do you know specifically what the incompatibility is?

Olivier, if you're dealing with protobuf already and trying to send it to
mesos, there's no need to use JSON. Unless you have a requirement to do so?
There are some outstanding issues with our JSON<->Protobuf conversion,
specifically we currently are inconsistent from proto3 when it comes to the
int(32|64), fixed(32|64), uint(32|64) handling, for one (we don't allow
strings on the input side (tomek is addressing that), and we don't use
strings on the output side).

On Fri, Mar 24, 2017 at 12:44 AM, Olivier Sallou <olivier.sal...@irisa.fr>

> On 03/24/2017 04:02 AM, James Peach wrote:
> >> On Mar 23, 2017, at 7:58 PM, James Peach <jor...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >>
> >>> On Mar 23, 2017, at 1:54 AM, Olivier Sallou <olivier.sal...@irisa.fr>
> wrote:
> >>>
> >>> Hi,
> >>>
> >>> when transforming a protobug message to json with MessageToJson, the
> >>> json is not compatible with the json format expected by Mesos master.
> >> This is because you generated the protobuf bindings with proto3
> compiler. AFAICT they made an incompatible change to the JSON wire format.
> This bites you when using the jsonpb Go package, for example. I ended up
> post-processing the generated Go code to correct the field names.
> > Sorry I forgot to mention that the other workaround is to generate the
> protobuf bindings with the proto2 compiler.
> Thanks
> My first workaround is to generate json directly, not a big deal in my
> case, but I wanted to understand.
> Olivier
> >
> > J
> --
> Olivier Sallou
> IRISA / University of Rennes 1
> Campus de Beaulieu, 35000 RENNES - FRANCE
> Tel:
> gpg key id: 4096R/326D8438  (keyring.debian.org)
> Key fingerprint = 5FB4 6F83 D3B9 5204 6335  D26D 78DC 68DB 326D 8438

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