Hi all,

We currently use three levels of verbose logging via the VLOG macro. I
propose to add two levels and change how we use the current ones to make
debugging easier for Mesos developers.

The current situation is:

   - VLOG(1) is used for Mesos and libprocess events such as the
   admission of an agent by a master. It is also used for a few Mesos common
   events, e.g. the allocation of resources on an agent.
   - VLOG(2) is used for Mesos and libprocess common events, e.g. the
   reception of an offer by a Mesos scheduler.
   - VLOG(3) is used when a Mesos scheduler process saves the PID
   associated with each slave and for libprocess events related to timers,
   clocks, and waiter processes.

As an example, running GLOG_v=<level> ./mesos-tests --gtest_filter="
OversubscriptionTest.UpdateAllocatorOnSchedulerFailover" --verbose returns:

   - 212 lines of logs with level = 1.
   - 695 lines of logs with level = 2.
   - 782 lines of logs with level = 3.

The logs at level 2 are quite noisy. This is mainly due to the number of
messages regarding libprocess recurring events such as process resumptions:

To improve the situation, I suggest having five levels:

   - VLOG(1), used for Mesos events.
   - VLOG(2), used for Mesos common/recurring events.
   - VLOG(3), used for libprocess events.
   - VLOG(4), used for libprocess common/recurring events.
   - VLOG(5), used for libprocess events related to timers, clocks, and
   waiter processes.

This change would allow us to read the Mesos verbose logs without having to
see the ones concerning libprocess, a use case that seems reasonable for
Mesos developers. The new log levels would make it possible to have the
same logs as before when necessary.

What do you think about this? Please feel free to share your thoughts and

Armand Grillet
Software Engineer, Mesosphere

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