For the Apache Aurora project we solved the need for a virtualenv by using a 
wrapper-script that will bootstrap a virtualenv on demand. It only requires 
Python to be installed but no other packages. It works flawlessly on Mac and 
Linux. Maybe this idea is also useful for Mesos. 

Virtualenv wrapper script:
Example usage:

Best regards,

On 11.01.18, 19:55, "Eric Chung" <> wrote:

    Hi Benno,
    There are different ways to approach this:
    1. Ideal case: instead of requiring the `virtualenv` package (e.g. on
    debian), require `tox` instead. Since virtualenv is a dependency of tox, we
    will not break any existing code that requires virtualenv. The benefit of
    this is that we will not need a "meta" virtaulenv for installing tox.
    Downside is that this might break if the user doesn't have enough
    permissions to install packages on the host.
    2. More pragmatic case: setup a minimal "meta" virtualenv that installs tox
    only. This can be done in the `support` dir and the rest of the code that
    requires tox can call tox from there. Benefit is that this won't require
    any dependency changes and should "just work" without any disruption.
    Downside is that we still will need some bash scripts to manage the "meta"
    To answer your last question, I don't think this will effect the python
    bindings, at least initially. The tests that I aim to run with tox are
    mostly CLI-related. In the long term though, it may be worth considering
    using tox to perform all python-related build/test tasks.
    On Thu, Jan 11, 2018 at 6:33 AM, Benno Evers <> wrote:
    > Hi Eric,
    > Do I understand correctly that you want to require all developers to
    > install tox so that it can be called from a post-commit hook to create a
    > virtualenv in which it will then install pylint with all its dependencies
    > and use that to lint the changed python files? Would it be possible to 
    > require all developers to install pylint instead?
    > Also, since you mention that you want to use tox to run unit tests in
    > src/python, do you plan to integrate this with the existing mesos build
    > system(s)? E.g., would it respect the python-related configuration 
    > like `PYTHON`, `PYTHON_VERSION`, `--disable-python`,
    > `--disable-python-dependency-install`. Or is this change unrelated to
    > building the python bindings?
    > Best regards,
    > Benno
    > On Tue, Jan 9, 2018 at 3:29 PM, Armand Grillet <>
    > wrote:
    >> Having distributed tox.ini files and being able to run tests for
    >> multiple environments will be helpful to develop the new Mesos CLI thus
    >> I support this change.
    >> Requiring developers to install tox is indeed the biggest concern with
    >> this change; however, this process should be straightforward as it uses 
    >> 2018-01-09 10:03 GMT+01:00 Kevin Klues <>:
    >>> I'm the one who asked Eric to send this email. I've been meaning to
    >>> comment on it and haven't gotten around to it. I support it. We just 
    >>> to make sure and update our CI appropriately for the new dependency (and
    >>> make devs aware of it).
    >>> On Tue, Jan 9, 2018 at 4:03 AM Benjamin Mahler <>
    >>> wrote:
    >>>> +armand, benno, kevin
    >>>> On Fri, Jan 5, 2018 at 12:04 PM, Eric Chung <> wrote:
    >>>>> Hello mesos devs,
    >>>>> I'd like to propose that we replace some of our bash scripts for
    >>>>> building
    >>>>> ad hoc virtualenvs with tox <>,
    >>>>> a tool
    >>>>> for automating lifecycle management of virtualenvs using declarative
    >>>>> configuration files.
    >>>>> Specifically, virtualenvs created for the purpose of linting
    >>>>> (support/.virtaulenv) and unit testing (in src/python) can be managed
    >>>>> by
    >>>>> tox, which provide the following benefits:
    >>>>> 1. Eliminate the need for maintaining shell scripts for managing
    >>>>> virtualenvs
    >>>>> 2. We will no longer need to install *ALL* dependencies into the same
    >>>>> virtualenv for the purpose of linting -- we can have distributed
    >>>>> tox.ini
    >>>>> files in wherever python linting is required, and just run tox there.
    >>>>> 3. Easily run tests for multiple environments, e.g. python3 vs 
    >>>>> This will make migration to python3 much easier, which we are facing
    >>>>> increasing pressure to address.
    >>>>> The biggest concern here would probably the change in dependencies,
    >>>>> since
    >>>>> it may seem like we're adding an additional dependency to mesos.
    >>>>> However
    >>>>> since virtualenv is a dependency of tox, we will not break any 
    >>>>> dependencies, as requiring tox will automatically require virtualenv.
    >>>>> Otherwise I don't really see any downside in making the switch.
    >>>>> Please let me know what you think!
    >>>>> Eric
    >> --
    >> Armand Grillet
    >> Software Engineer, Mesosphere
    > --
    > Benno Evers
    > Software Engineer, Mesosphere

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