(The below proposal is also stated in 
https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/METRON-1020 )

The following proposed changes are small, but not just editorial in nature, 
hence will require vote of the community to change. Our bylaws don’t have an 
action type of Modifying Policy, but it’s probably fair to consider policies to 
be “included by reference” in Bylaws, so let’s vote on this like a Bylaws 
change.  “Lazy majority of PMC members” applies – same as a release.

Regarding the process at 
https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/METRON/Release+Process :

1. Add a step to tag the final release, as 

2. The current policy says that when a critical release is urgently needed, 
"the 72 hour waiting periods in Steps 7 and 8 can be waived." The formerly 
referenced Step 8 was for the Incubator vote, so that can be removed as an 
editorial issue, but we should also allow for not waiting for mirror 
propagation – let the mirrors catch up as fast as they can. So the text should 
now read: "the 72 hour waiting period in Step 7 and the wait for mirror 
propagation in Step 10 can be waived."

3. Finally, it is good practice to increment the build version in POMs 
immediately AFTER a release, so that builds with new stuff cannot be mistaken 
for builds of the release version. The current policy says to increment it just 
BEFORE a release. I suggest changing this to say:
a) immediately after a release, increment the MINOR version number (eg, with 
the 0.4.0 just released, set the new version number to 0.4.1)
b) immediately before a release, decide whether it will be a minor or major 
release. If minor, assure that the minor version number was already incremented 
after the last release and continue to use that number. If major, change the 
version number to the desired new major version. 
c) These version number changes are in master branch.  Creation of new branches 
does not occur until the idea of creating a maintenance branch or a new release 
branch has been consented by the community.

Please share your thoughts and/or vote.

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