Github user nickwallen commented on the issue:
    Running this up on Ubuntu, I ran into two issues.
    (1) JDK Install Failed on Ubuntu - I do not think this was caused by this 
PR.  This is something that I should have hit in #903, but the changes there 
never brought this bug to light.  Fortunately, it is an easy fix and I will 
open it as a separate PR.
    (2) After the Ambari deployment completes, it begins to install the 
sensors.  It queries Ambari for information to configure the sensors and in one 
of those queries it hits this problem.  I am not sure exactly what the problem 
is yet.
    TASK [ambari_gather_facts : Ask Ambari: hdfs_url] 
    ok: [node1]
    TASK [ambari_gather_facts : set_fact] 
    fatal: [node1]: FAILED! =>{  
       "msg":"the field 'args' has an invalid value, which appears to include a 
variable that is undefined. The error was: {u'status': 200, u'content_type': 
u'text/plain', u'set_cookie': 
u'AMBARISESSIONID=5tlv0y7btgc24krm5ugdpdgj;Path=/;HttpOnly', u'expires': u'Thu, 
01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 GMT', u'vary': u'Accept-Encoding, User-Agent', u'user': 
u'admin', u'pragma': u'no-cache', u'x_frame_options': u'DENY', 
u'x_xss_protection': u'1; mode=block', u'url': 
 u'changed': False, u'x_content_type_options': u'nosniff', u'content': u'{\\n  
\"href\" : 
  \"items\" : [\\n    {\\n      \"href\" : 
      \"tag\" : \"TOPOLOGY_RESOLVED\",\\n      \"type\" : \"core-site\",\\n     
 " : 2,\\n      \"Config\" : {\\n        \"cluster_name\" : 
\"metron_cluster\",\\n        \"stack_id\" : \"HDP-2.6\"\\n      },\\n      
\"properties\" : {\\n        \"fs.defaultFS\" : \"hdfs://node1:8020\",\\n       
 \"fs.trash.interval\" : \"360\",\\n        
\"\" : \"120\",\\n   
     \"hadoop.custom-extensions.root\" : 
\"hadoop.http.authentication.simple.anonymous.allowed\" : \"true\",\\n        
\"hadoop.proxyuser.hbase.groups\" : \"*\",\\n        
\"hadoop.proxyuser.hbase.hosts\" : \"*\",\\n        
\"\" : \"DEFAULT\",\\n        
\"\" : \"simple\",\\n        
\"\" : \"false\",\\n        
\"\" : \"\",\\n        
\"io.compression.codecs\" : 
 yCodec\",\\n        \"io.file.buffer.size\" : \"131072\",\\n        
\"io.serializations\" : 
\"ipc.client.connect.max.retries\" : \"50\",\\n        
\"ipc.client.connection.maxidletime\" : \"30000\",\\n        
\"ipc.client.idlethreshold\" : \"8000\",\\n        \"ipc.server.tcpnodelay\" : 
\"true\",\\n        \"mapreduce.jobtracker.webinterface.trusted\" : 
\"false\",\\n        \"\" : 
\"/etc/hadoop/conf/\"\\n      },\\n      
\"properties_attributes\" : {\\n        \"final\" : {\\n          
\"fs.defaultFS\" : \"true\"\\n        }\\n      }\\n    }\\n  ]\\n}', 
u'connection': u'close', u'msg': u'OK (unknown bytes)', u'redirected': False, 
u'cache_control': u'no-store'}: 'major_stack_version' is undefined\n\nThe error 
appears to have been in 
 line 82, column 3, but may\nbe elsewhe
 re in the file depending on the exact syntax problem.\n\nThe offending line 
appears to be:\n\n\n- set_fact:\n  ^ here\n"


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