We currently support running Metron on an HDP 2.6.5
I'd like to get Metron updated to run in an HDP 3.1.0
This provides a number of significant updates to the core platform
components that we depend on like Kafka, HBase, Ambari, etc.

### Feature Branch

I'd like to create a feature branch in which to do this.  This will take a
good amount of effort and multiple PRs. To avoid any impact to master as we
progress through this, a feature branch would make sense.

If you have concerns or interest in this effort, please speak up.  Here are
some relevant discussion points based on what I know so far.

### CentOS 7

CentOS 6 RPMs are no longer distributed for HDP 3.1.0, only CentOS 7 RPMs.
Because of this we will likely need to transition Full Dev over to CentOS
7.  I don't see a downside to doing this since 6 is rather old and I assume
that most users run variants of 7 already anyways.

### HDP 2.6.5

I'd like to try and make these changes backwards compatible with HDP 2.6.5
if possible, but only as long as that does not increase our ongoing
development burden.

For example, if I can simply define a separate build profile for 3.1.0 and
things are generally backwards compatible, then I'm all for maintaining
support for 2.6.5.  On the other hand, I would not want to go as far as
maintaining separate master branches for each.  In my mind the ongoing cost
there is too high.

### HDP 2.5.6

There are some workaround in the code base that were introduced to support HDP
we moved to HDP 2.6.5. There are some workarounds specifically for older
versions of Storm like 1.0.x. Rather than maintaining this going forward,
I'd prefer we remove this technical debt and not support anything older
than HDP 2.6.5.


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