Thanks, guys. I'm munching through the documentation now but would really
appreciate a steer towards perhaps a diagram of the architecture. Does it

Mike, I'm reading the link you sent and slowly digesting it. I hope I can
help to contribute to the use cases in the near future.



On Fri, Jun 7, 2019 at 6:56 PM Michael Miklavcic <> wrote:

> Welcome Phillip!
> +1 to all of what Otto said.
> One area where we would like to expand, and your DS skills could be useful,
> is in some of the analytics use cases. For example, I'm currently working
> on finishing up a PR for a data sketch function that can estimate top-k
> results in an infinite streaming data set. We've got functions around
> things like median absolute deviation, and I wrote a wrapper for a hyper
> log log plus implementation. It would be awesome to get some contributions
> to our use cases that leverage some of our existing analytics functions as
> well as new implementations. Here's a forensic clustering use case, for
> example -
> .
> This is a bit more advanced for someone new to the project, but I'm just
> sharing opportunities and a roadmap of things that would be extremely
> beneficial.
> Best,
> Mike Miklavcic
> On Fri, Jun 7, 2019 at 11:14 AM Otto Fowler <>
> wrote:
> > Hi Phillip and welcome!
> >
> > You certainly can help.
> >
> > As far as the status, there are several ways to look at it aren’t there?
> >
> > - we have active committers and reviewers, but not as many as we would
> like
> > - we have an active users like, but not insanely so
> > - metron _is_ part of a large bistro package HCP / cloudera ? and
> deployed,
> > supported and used there
> >
> >
> > A lot of work is going on right now in the following areas
> >
> > - refactoring the UI technologies and testability
> > - making the build better, speed, shading etc
> > - de-coupling storm from our core technologies so we can introduce or
> > support alternative processing ( spark for example )
> > - work on our deployment / dev experience ( vagrant/docker )
> >
> > and other things I’ve not thought of, and have PR’s etc.
> >
> > we can always use help with documentation, reviews, testing, how-to’s or
> > development :)
> >
> >
> >
> > On June 7, 2019 at 12:40:38, Phillip Henry (
> > wrote:
> >
> > Hello, all.
> >
> > The Metron docs mentioned something about introducing oneself upon
> joining
> > the mailing list so here goes. I'm a Scala/Java/Data Engineer/Scientist
> > working in a SOC at a leading telco.
> >
> > I've only recently come across Metron and was wondering what the
> community
> > was like, how healthy the project is (I see commits in the last few days
> so
> > that's good) and wondering if I can help.
> >
> > Regards,
> >
> > Phillip
> >

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