
I am not sure that MINA is still following the Directory project rules (I
just don't remember if there were a vote about it or not last year).

Anyway, here are the rules MINA used last year :


Correct me, Trustin, if I'm wrong.

On 5/16/07, Mladen Turk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


Looking at MINA sources I found out that the coding style is
different from what I'm used to. Well, it's personal anyhow, but
it should be important.

Are there any rules for that?
I have noticed few:

1. After each '(' there must be a space.
    Exception is if next char is ')'
2. There must be a space before ')' except for #1
3. There must be a space after ')' unless it's a last char
4. Curly braces must be on the new line below the statement
5. Use spaces instead tabs
6. Use 4 spaces idents
7. Remove trailing spaces
8. Each for/if/else/try/catch/do/while block must have
    curly braces even for a single statement.

It would be great if there is some .indent file because
I already noticed that there are some files that are
starting to break those rules.


Emmanuel Lécharny

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