Agreed...if we can split the artifacts, then that is fine with me.


Mike Heath wrote:
> Jeff Genender wrote:
>> I would concur with you on this.  I think a sub-project of its own is
>> good since it can be used as a standalone API (with a dependency on Mina
>> of course).  I would recommend that this API be a separate artifact from
>> asyncweb as I think we want the client to be capable of being slit off
>> from the server (for obvious reasons).
> Certainly if you want an HTTP client, it's unlikely that you would want
> an HTTP server.  This, of course, makes sense.  I would imagine,
> however, that there are going to be a lot of similarities between the
> client and server code (header parsing, cookies support, the many
> caching options of HTTP/1.1, etc.).  That's why I was thinking making it
> part of AsyncWeb would be a good idea.  I don't think the client and
> server should be distributed in the same artifact either.  However, I
> believe there's a lot to be gained by keeping the the HTTP client and
> server close together.
> -Mike

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