On Mon, Apr 13, 2009 at 10:55, Ashish <paliwalash...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> this is a probably incomplete list of things to do to move Vysper over here.
>> + ratify reception of code (MINA) (vote, pending)
>> + ratify Vysper lab completion on Labs side (vote)
>> + (optional) do additional steps as required to move from Labs to
>> MINA, for example moving through Incubator
>> + check dependencies, NOTICE, LICENSE etc.
>> + move LABS/Vysper JIRAs
>> + move Vysper svn
>> + move Vysper's cwiki pages
>> CODE (after svn move)
>> + adjust code to MINA conventions (headers etc.)
>> + use maven for build
>> + grant berndf committer karma for Vysper
>> Anything else?
> One thing that can be done meanwhile is upload the XMPP compliance
> report on wiki.

Did you get it to work?? I never managed to run the ant apt task
properly, I had to use the command line apt with lots of workarounds
(Might be due to me using MaOSX or something).

> I did saw the compliance package, and its really great way of
> capturing Spec compliance.

+1. If you put the generated HTML into the javadoc root, all the links
should also work.

> We can do something similar for FtpServer and SSHD (typically for
> project where we need RFC compliance).
> Meanwhile, as we wait for the Voting and other formalities to
> complete, here are possible directions to work spend our energies
> 1. Generic XML Codec - We can work towards making a generic XML Codec
> and may be make it as part of MINA Core. In Vysper, we can reuse the
> same.

+1. XMPP uses a subset of XML, so Vysper's current impl is sufficent
for now. I think this is a worthwhile thing to do, and will
definitively participate in the discussion, but I lack time and
energie to help with coding.

> 2. Can think of some suitable place for Spec compliance package and
> try to see possible use in other projects


> 3. Wiki is a definite candidate to be worked upon.
> 4. Can try to see the possible use of State Machine decoder, while
> decoding XML or alternatively see how we extend and use a streaming
> parser.
> 5. Some benchmarking shall be a good to have. We will be competing
> with Openfire (hope have picked the right name), which again use MINA
> for transport layer.

+1. All effort until now went into making it spec compliant (ongoing),
no time into making it performant. To catch up with Openfire will be a
lot of work (an understatement). I think at first we will run into
simple obstacles. And yes, this is perhaps one of the most important

> Trying to understand the code a little more.

Let me know where you need more explanation.


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