Ashish wrote:
>>>> Work in a branch. It it works, fine. Maybe we can also tag the current
>>>> version, and move to a new version from this tag.
>> +1 to make the migration on a branch. I expect troubles which should not
>> interfere with other work. Let's stabilize the MINA2.0 branch and then
>> merge back. Should be not too much conflicting code.
>>> Hmm.. I think we shall release Vysper with latest MINA version? So
>>> tagging should be fine.
>> I don't get what this tag is all about?
>>> Bernd: Want to take a call on this?
>>> I think I can't tag now, as I have coded on trunk :-( So if someone
>>> else can move the code to tag will be great.
>> I don't understand that. If you have local changes you still could
>> create a branch using URLs, couldn't you?
> Got it. Not a master on SVN :-(
>>> community, since Nov 2007. We had a total of 861 messages on our ML's.
>> That's good. But remember that people might get annoyed by increased
>> off-topic ML traffic and might drop out (those interested only in MINA
>> and not in Vysper). Make sure to monitor subscription figures, too and
>> eventually fork lists.
> Can't monitor the Subscribers figures (don't have privileges). We need
> to wait for MINA Board report for these details.

So you'd might be interested in tracking this page

> Either ways, having an active community is very important for an Open
> Source project. It forms one
> of the evaluation criteria for User's. Its an assurance that if there
> are any problem, they will be addressed.


>>From my POV, it's an input to COTS Usage Risk Analysis, that is being
> done before actually using the library.


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