Yes, you are correct, and I did read that note in the MINA
documentation. Essentially, an IP filter should make use of Session
Created to filter out unwanted clients. Filtering may take a while
depending on how big the list is or how efficient the filtering
algorithm is. If a filter can make use of this event, why not an
Ftplet? I agree that Ftplet authors should know what they are doing
when using this method, but do not see any harm in making this event
available. Just throwing in my ideas for discussion/evaluation, not
that I really want it to be included. :)

Sai Pullabhotla

On Tue, Mar 16, 2010 at 8:31 AM, Niklas Gustavsson <> wrote:
> On Tue, Mar 16, 2010 at 2:24 PM, Sai Pullabhotla
> <> wrote:
>> Currently, we call the Ftplet.onConnect from the sessionOpened method.
>> May be we should add yet another method to the Ftplets to indicate a
>> sessionCreated event, in case if some one wants to use it?
> If I recall correctly, sessionCreated is called from the IO processor
> thread and we would therefore shortcut our threading model if we
> expose it to Ftplets (letting an Ftplet block the entire listener). My
> understanding is that sessionCreated is useful if you really know what
> you're doing and I'm not sure that should be required by Ftplet users
> :-)
> /niklas

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