On Mon, Mar 29, 2010 at 08:30, G.W.G.K.N. Udayanga
<gwgknudaya...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Sir,
> Thank you for your great support(giving advices and made me aware) upto now.
> As the second step i started to read the referecences and examine the vysper
> codebase.
> This is the things what i understood upto now.Please give me a feedback.If
> It seems that i
> have understood the concept wrong, please correct me.
> *The Request parameters of a ajax client are included within a xml document
> as well as within a
> url.This encoding action is done by javascript.Then these requests are sent
> by using XMLHttpRequest.
> At there clients specify the format of the response in the form of XML,
> XHTML, HTML or JavaScript Object Notation (JSON).
> Normally bosh takes  XML payload.So is it need to implement the
> functionalities to convert url encoding to xml document
> format in the request and implement a translater which translates xml
> response document over bosh to xhtml or json if the xmlhttp
> request specify such a response format?

BOSH is only specified using XML, nothing else.

> *bosh sends xml payload encapsulates within http message body.

BOSH sends nothing. BOSH is a protocol spec, not an actor.
The actors in this spec are: Browser (HTTTP Agent), webserver
(HTTP/XMPP gateway), XMPP server.

> So with this
> we can implement xmpp stanzas.But to initiate and perform handshake
> we need xmpp streams.That puropose is achieved by extending the bosh
> functionalities as mentioned in the fourth reference mention
> by you.So the obtaing xml document from the ajax client's requst can be
> processed as a xmpp message and push on to the vyper.

It's Vysper, not vyper.

> Then the xmpp response messages from the xmpp server can be made as xml
> document

XMPP responses are always XML already, so, yes.

> which is suitable to pump as an ajax response by
> removing xml tags related to xmpp stream and some other unwanted stanzas.

What would you want to remove? What would be unwanted stanzas? What do
you think is a stanza at all?

> In the fourth reference it is said that "inclusion of tls negotiationw is
> not allwed but not recommended" and in bosh protocol they are using
> sasl authentication.In xmpp also we can use the sasl authentication.But by
> default vysper use ssl.
> So please make me clear about this.

Eh.. SASL is used for authentication, SSL/TLS is used for encryption.

> *Normally  these days tls is use and ssl is a predecessor of it.do you use
> tls specification
> at present(although it is  ssl by default)?

It's in the code :-)

> *Actually this project is developed as an extension.For vysper an extension
> is a module.To process stanzas from ajax clients
> we can use a stanzhandler which is connected to related module.
> Modules can be registered with the server calling
> ServerRuntimeContext.addModule(Module module).
> Using spring-config.xml, they are configured in bean 'server'. Simply add a
> new bean for the module to the config.
> Then add a bean reference to property 'modules' list in 'server'. On server
> startup, these modules are loaded and activated.

No, I don't think you can add BOSH as an module.
A suitable extension point would be AbstractSessionContext/SessionContext.


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