Hello Bernard Sir,
Thank you very much for your support.I know that the time to discuss about
the project is now over.But if you can please consider about following

You question:What would you want to remove? What would be unwanted stanzas?
What do you think is a stanza at all?

*Stanza is same as xml.(actually another name use in xmpp world).
*Here as the removable stanzas i mean xml tags such as <message/>,
<presence/>,  <iq/> and so on which are used for initial  handshaking when
dealing with xmpp.

Another one that i didn't get answer from your reply.

Ajax clients send requests by using url encrypting also(other than the types
of xml document)But for the bosh protocol only xml is allowable as
payload.So do we need to process  url encryped requst of ajax client  as a
xml formatted one before using bosh protocol?

thank you,
Dept of Computer Science and Engineering
University of Moratuwa
Sri Lanka


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