
we ran into issues around the maximum filesize of the Jenkinsfile a few
times already. In order to resolve this issue, I'd like to combine this
with some refactors I have planned for quite some time.

The idea is basically to move away from one big Jenkinsfile and instead
split it into separate jobs that run in parallel and report their status
individually. Besides avoiding the size restriction, this will greatly
speed up the PR validation process by reducing the critical path. Instead
of having to wait for every single step within a stage to finish before the
next stage (e.g. tests) is getting executed, these pipelines would now be
able to move forward individually. I'm still in the process of refactoring
and can't provide any numbers or documentation at this time, but I would
like to announce this early on to avoid conflicts:

Since I will remove the original Jenkinsfile, this might cause conflicts
with ongoing efforts that try to change the Jenkinsfile. This poses the
risk that I might forget to port a change. Thus, I'd like to ask all
contributors to wait with changes of Jenkinsfile and would like to request
fellow-committers to wait with merging any Jenkinsfile-related PRs until
further notice.

I expect to finish this refactor until the end of the week. Please don't
hesitate to ask if you've got further questions.

Please excuse any caused inconveniences.

Best regards,

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