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чт, 7 мар. 2019 г. в 20:09, Aaron Markham <>:

> Thanks Aston.
> For contributors interested in helping improve the website's UX and design:
> I spent some time learning the Material Design ecosystem as the beta site
> uses this as its template. From there I refactored the wireframes using
> Sketch + Material Design plugin and added them to These new
> ones are for a typical user flow: they go from the Docs main page to Python
> to Gluon (mxnet.gluon) and finally to I put these
> screenshots in the Website Redesign Information Architecture & Wireframe
> wiki article (that I moved to the Proposals section):
> Anyone that is interested can contribute directly to commenting on the
> Material Design wireframe revisions here (you can also see drafts for
> Ecosystem and Features):
> Cheers,
> Aaron
> On Mon, Mar 4, 2019 at 6:03 PM Aston Zhang <> wrote:
> > Dear Community,
> >
> > We have published a post at
> > requesting for
> > comments on our proposal of integrating the new MXNet website. We'd like
> > to hear
> > the thoughts and suggestions from the community and welcome any form of
> > contribution to improve contents and UX of the MXNet website.
> >
> > Thanks,
> > MXNet developers from AWS
> >

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