+1 to all of these comments..

On Mar 12, 2011, at 10:57 AM, Andy Schwartz <andy.g.schwa...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Yuan -
> The documentation/contract isn't especially clear:
>   * This method completes the PPR request and writes a <noop/> to the
> response.
>   * it also handles script and redirect
> I find the first statement is misleading.  In the event that a script
> or redirect is specified, this method won't generate a <noop/>
> response, right?  So seems like the doc should be more along the lines
> of "completes a ppr response in one of three ways...".
> However, wouldn't it be clearer to break this up into three methods, maybe:
> - completeNoopResponse()
> - completeRedirectResponse()
> - completeScriptResponse()
> The "PPR" aspect is implied since these static methods live in
> PartialPageUtils, so we don't need to duplicate that information in
> the method names.
> If the idea is that these methods are only meant to be used for
> responding to ppr requests, we should enforce this by spec'ing that an
> IllegalStateException is thrown for non-ppr requests.
> Andy

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