Yes, I agree Andy.  That proposed API scared me a bit because it
seemed that we were trying to do to much in a single method call.
There was a redirect message, a script and noop params.  If we can
separate them and use the real "redirect" functionality built into the
EC, I'm good.  :D

On Mar 14, 2011, at 7:50 AM, Andy Schwartz <> wrote:

> Hi Yuan -
> On Mon, Mar 14, 2011 at 3:10 AM, Yuan Gao <> wrote:
>> I like your comments. As for the names, how about
>> renderNoopAndCompleteResponse()?
> That's definitely the clearest of the names that we have discussed. :-)
> If we go with "render", I can see three options:
> 1.  renderNoopAndCompleteResponse()
> 2.  renderNoopResponse()
> 3.  renderNoop()
> I prefer the more concise forms (#2 or #3), though I think this mostly
> comes down to personal taste.  Any of these are fine by me.
> I am curious about some of the questions that Scott raised, eg:
> - Should we consider just having FacesContext.responseComplete()
> detect the empty response and automatically send a noop response?
> (Interesting idea, though I am worried that  this might be just a bit
> too much magic.  Think I like the idea of having an explicit API to
> call.)
> - Do we need a new method for the redirect case?  (Seems like this is
> sufficiently covered by ExternalContext.redirect()).
> Andy

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