Mhh shall we integrate this?
I personally think it would make sense with some name changes.


Am 17.12.12 18:54, schrieb Jon Bionda:
Sorry for what is likely a breach of protocol.  This is a suggestion on
how to make the Tomahawk Calendar more WCAG compliant.  WCAG being a
standard for gauging if browser based interfaces meet accessibility
requirements primarily for disabled users.   I joined the list a while
ago to report an error I found and it was fixed promptly so I continued
to watch the list and see that you are now preparing the next Tomahawk
release, so maybe the timing is right.

We used an older version of Tomahawk (1.0.6) and found the
HtmlInputCalendar component failed the WCAG compliancy tests with
respect to missing some ‘alt’ and ‘title’ attributes on tags generated
by the calendar component.   Some time ago, someone who has since left
the company, made it mostly compliant by adding the following 8
properties to the HtmlInputCalendar – I didn’t do the compliancy testing
but understand there are different levels of compliancy and these
missing attributes make it fail at a basic level, so there may be more
minor compliance issues which is why I can’t say it would be fully

The properties with hopefully self-describing names are:









I’ve looked into forward porting the old changes to the Tomahawk 1.1.14
code base and have provided the code for adding the changes to the
(org.apache.myfaces.custom.calendar) HtmlInputCalendar and
HtmlCalendarRenderer classes.  However, I am having trouble unravelling
the precise changes that were made to the popcalendar.js file ( they
seemed to have got a newer version of the js file and made the changes
on it but I can’t figure out which version get got it from, probably
obvious to you guys).

A related change is also included and was made because part of WCAG is
supporting screen readers.  The text in alt and title attributes
shouldn’t be using short forms of the week days (Sun, Mon, etc.) but
rather their full names (Sunday, Monday, etc.).  In the
HtmlCalendarRenderer.getLocalizedLanguageScript() method, I  see where
they created a parallel String[] to weekDays to contain the full week
day names.  This is also added to the initData to be accessible in the
javascript.  We only use the calendar in popup mode so no changes were
made to renderInline() but would expect it would also have to be
modified to do a complete job.

I zipped up the changes to the 2 java classes mentioned above (they only
contained changed methods and have “WCAG change” comments identifying
the changes), plus a sample properties file for default values and our
popcalendar.js file.  This last one is where my knowledge is
insufficient to help much, but maybe you will find it useful to see how
the new properties and full week name array are used.  There may be
other changes in the javascript file too as there was an issue related
to focus.

Thanks for your time and hope this helps.

Jon Bionda

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