Oh yeah, sorry. I dont know why I said 200 when it is clearly 500 :-) Thanks 
for pointing that out.

All good about the msec v sec thing.

> On Sep 23, 2016, at 11:02 AM, Sterling Hughes <sterl...@apache.org> wrote:
> 2 reasons:
> - most (all) chips provide that granularity that i’ve seen, so why not?  IMO, 
> it’s not up for us to decide what people set watchdog interval to in the HAL 
> if it’s portable.
> - as you point out, it’s convenient to have a consistent timebase between 
> sanity and watchdog, given how i’ve staggered the wakeup/watchdog tickle.
> I worried about that too, BTW: the default is 500msecs, I just assert if it’s 
> less than 200 msecs in os.c
> sterling
> On 23 Sep 2016, at 10:51, will sanfilippo wrote:
>> Why is the interval defined in milliseconds btw? Is there a particular 
>> reason for it? Is it because you wanted to be able to separate the sanity 
>> interval and the watchdog interval by less than one second? Or are you 
>> worried that some watchdogs may have very small timeouts and milliseconds 
>> would be useful? Just curious… and you can probably tell from my curiosity 
>> that seconds seems to be enough resolution but this is really no big deal.
>> I also worry (slightly) that the default time between sanity waking up and 
>> the watchdog firing may not be enough. It is configurable so that is all 
>> good, but maybe the default should be a bit longer as sanity is checked in 
>> the idle task and if a system has lots of tasks the idle task may not run 
>> for a bit (although 200 msecs is a while).
>>> On Sep 22, 2016, at 10:58 PM, Sterling Hughes <sterl...@apache.org> wrote:
>>> Hey —
>>> A follow up on this, I’ve committed initial support for the Nordic 
>>> platforms for the watchdog, along with modifying this API a bit.
>>> I made the watchdog expiry a millisecond value (in hal_watchdog_init()), as 
>>> pretty much every watchdog I’ve seen executes in millisecond resolution.  I 
>>> removed the hal_watchdog_stop() function, as many processors don’t offer 
>>> the ability to stop the watchdog once started.
>>> I also hooked the watchdog into the OS with two new configuration options:
>>>       description: 'The interval at which the sanity checks should run, 
>>> should be at least 200ms prior to watchdog'
>>>       value: 299500
>>>       description: 'The interval at which the watchdog should reset if not 
>>> tickled, in ms'
>>>       value: 300000
>>> These are default values, defined by the OS (libs/os/pkg.yml), that can be 
>>> overridden by the BSP.
>>> By default the OS initializes the watchdog with hal_watchdog_init() when OS 
>>> start is called.  I have removed the sanity task (to save stack space, and 
>>> make it run by default), and instead, put all sanity related functions 
>>> within the idle task.
>>> The logic is here (os.c), for reference.  os_sanity_run() calls into 
>>> os_sanity.c, and runs the sanity checks.  Code has also been added to make 
>>> sure that we don’t sleep beyond the sanity interval, and trip up the 
>>> watchdog in our idle loop.
>>>   sanity_itvl_ticks = (MYNEWT_VAL(SANITY_INTERVAL) * OS_TICKS_PER_SEC) / 
>>> 1000;
>>>   sanity_last = 0;
>>>   hal_watchdog_tickle();
>>>   while (1) {
>>>       ++g_os_idle_ctr;
>>>       now = os_time_get();
>>>       if (OS_TIME_TICK_GT(now, sanity_last + sanity_itvl_ticks)) {
>>>           os_sanity_run();
>>>           /* Tickle the watchdog after successfully running sanity */
>>>           hal_watchdog_tickle();
>>>           sanity_last = now;
>>>       }
>>>       OS_ENTER_CRITICAL(sr);
>>>       now = os_time_get();
>>>       sticks = os_sched_wakeup_ticks(now);
>>>       cticks = os_callout_wakeup_ticks(now);
>>>       iticks = min(sticks, cticks);
>>>       /* Wakeup in time to run sanity as well from the idle context,
>>>        * as the idle task does not schedule itself.
>>>        */
>>>       iticks = min(iticks, ((sanity_last + sanity_itvl_ticks) - now));
>>>       if (iticks < MIN_IDLE_TICKS) {
>>>           iticks = 0;
>>>       } else if (iticks > MAX_IDLE_TICKS) {
>>>           iticks = MAX_IDLE_TICKS;
>>>       } else {
>>>           /* NOTHING */
>>>       }
>>>       /* Tell the architecture specific support to put the processor to 
>>> sleep
>>>        * for 'n' ticks.
>>>        */
>>>       os_tick_idle(iticks);
>>>       OS_EXIT_CRITICAL(sr);
>>> For BSPs where hal_watchdog has not been implemented, calling these 
>>> functions has no effect, and I’ve added stubs to the stm32f4 and native 
>>> BSPs.
>>> Sterling
>>> On 30 Aug 2016, at 15:01, marko kiiskila wrote:
>>>>> On Aug 30, 2016, at 12:59 PM, Mathew Calmer <mcal...@exploramednc7.com> 
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>> On August 30, 2016 at 12:28:50 PM, will sanfilippo 
>>>>> (wi...@runtime.io<mailto:wi...@runtime.io>) wrote:
>>>>> Sounds reasonable. As I am sure you know, doing it through the sanity 
>>>>> task sometimes is an issue getting the time right as you would then need 
>>>>> to know the worst-case timing of all the tasks that could be running… but 
>>>>> any way you cut it, you have to put some time limit on that… in past 
>>>>> lives I have seen some pretty complicated ways to deal with this but this 
>>>>> seems reasonable and if developers need something different they can 
>>>>> implement it with this hal.
>>>>> I would consider making the return value of init() be the time or some 
>>>>> reference to the time that was actually set.  So, for example, if the 
>>>>> user asks for 10000 ticks, and the system can only support 2000, it could 
>>>>> return 2000 from init, after trying it’s best to support the request.
>>>>> It could be done in powers of two or some other mechanism, but 
>>>>> conceptually using that return value to explain what was actually set 
>>>>> would be a nice interface.   If watchdog was not implemented on given 
>>>>> hardware, default return could be negative (error) or 0, implying 
>>>>> watchdog was not set (although 0 also implies success… so…).
>>>> I was thinking the same regarding return value from init(), but had not 
>>>> written it down in the
>>>> API proposal.
>>>> I’m including updated version here.
>>>> /*
>>>> * Set a recurring watchdog timer to fire no sooner than in 'expire_secs'
>>>> * seconds. Watchdog should be tickled periodically with a frequency
>>>> * smaller than 'expire_secs'. Watchdog needs to be then started with
>>>> * a call to hal_watchdog_enable().
>>>> *
>>>> * @param expire_secs           Watchdog timer expiration time
>>>> *
>>>> * @return                      < 0 on failure; on success return the actual
>>>> *                              expiration time as positive value
>>>> */
>>>> int hal_watchdog_init(int expire_secs);
>>>> /*
>>>> * Starts the watchdog.
>>>> *
>>>> * @return                      0 on success; non-zero on failure.
>>>> */
>>>> int hal_watchdog_enable(void);
>>>> /*
>>>> * Stops the watchdog.
>>>> *
>>>> * @return                      0 on success; non-zero on failure.
>>>> */
>>>> int hal_watchdog_stop(void);
>>>> /*
>>>> * Tickles the watchdog.
>>>> */
>>>> void hal_watchdog_tickle(void);

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