Hi all!

This is an e-mail for tracking the state of Apache Myriad Project.
Many things are happening and I am happy to say the project is
rebooting slowly but strongly. The following is a list of achievements
right now:

1. We have got a Project Roadmap [1] that we are accomplishing happily.
2. We have a chat channel at [2]. Not much activity yet (only 7 users
right now) but this is only the beginning.
3. This list is getting activity again with new active users.
4. A separate document [3] for tracking up the unlocking of JIRA
issues and pending PRs. Special thanks to Alvaro for the initiative
and Juan P. for working in this necessary housekeeping.
5. We have already a nice local development environment based on
Vagrant for Apache Mesos, and for DC/OS community platform.
6. We have new activity at Apache Myriad Twitter account [4]. We are
trying to publish at least one post a day. We have to create Apache
Myriad own content for creating really interesting Twitter posts.

No ready yet, but planning:

1. A set of articles in order to get new users. This is the planning:

Article 1 - Apache Myriad (Hadoop YARN on Mesos) Reboot

This article explains the state of the project and sets up the targets
for the new releases. We need a new release (0.3.0) in order to follow
the open-source motto "release early, release often".

Article 2 - Apache Myriad Development Environment Based on Apache Mesos

This article is a way to get new users as easily as possible with an
local environment ready for hacking.

Article 3 - Apache Myriad Development Environment Based on Apache Mesos

This article explains a way for developing Apache Myriad using Docker
and Mesosphere Marathon on top of DC/OS. Probably if Apache Myriad is
executed in production at some time will be at DC/OS.

Article 4 - Apache Mesos Data Services a Different Approach

This is a more advance article explaining a different way of data
service development on Apache Mesos. Probably the current approach is
to create data services (such as Kafka, Spark, Elastic ...) based on
Apache Mesos Frameworks. The focus of development is to create native
frameworks for each technology. Mesosphere does a very good work on
that direction with DC/OS SDK (dcos-commons).

The different approach explained in this article is to shift the
development focus towards only one Apache Mesos Framework to maintains
(Apache Myriad) and create applications based on YARN by means of
Apache Slider (a "kind" of YARN SDK). This is really ambitious,
however really interesting point of view from my perspective.

2. It's the time for planning the new release (0.3.0). We have to
discuss the minimal features to include for a new release. This is
really important for the next months.

We have a lot work to do, however I really guess the risk of retiring
this podling is far way right now.

Please, feel free to comment, feedback is welcome!

[1] https://goo.gl/xtD5oT
[2] https://gitter.im/apache-myriad/dev
[3]  https://goo.gl/u7RMFY
[4] https://twitter.com/apachemyriad
Javi Roman

Twitter: @javiromanrh
GitHub: github.com/javiroman
Linkedin: es.linkedin.com/in/javiroman
Big Data Blog: dataintensive.info

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