Jiang Yan Xu <y...@jxu.me> @xujyan <http://twitter.com/xujyan>

On Fri, Jun 5, 2015 at 10:50 AM, Jake Farrell <jfarr...@apache.org> wrote:

> Project Name: Completely agree that if we dont need to change the name
> then we shouldnt, but we need to have that discussion here on the list
> rather than any separate internal discussion about it.


> Reviewboard: great, as soon as IP and git are setup i'll get reviewboard
> working for us
> Website: does need to be at http://mysos.incubator.apache.org/ , can be a
> simple landing page with project description and some links. I'll put a
> skel together for an initial site and we can iterate on it from there.
> Jira: great, will post back to the list once its setup
> -Jake
> On Fri, Jun 5, 2015 at 1:40 PM, Yan Xu <y...@jxu.me> wrote:
>> Thanks Jake, this is great!
>> --
>> Jiang Yan Xu <y...@jxu.me> @xujyan <http://twitter.com/xujyan>
>> On Fri, Jun 5, 2015 at 7:25 AM, Jake Farrell <jfarr...@apache.org> wrote:
>>> Hey everyone
>>> Tobi and Sunil have submitted ICLA's and I created their accounts last
>>> night.
>>> Project status page: created and available at [1]
>>> Mailing lists: dev@mysos and private@mysos have been setup, please
>>> subscribe to them if you have not done so.
>> Done.
>>> IP: Chris are you taking care of this? as soon as its in i'll import the
>>> code over to ASF git and setup mirrors
>>> Jira: I will get this setup later today
>> Once this is done I can port over the Github issues!
>>> Website: Do we want to use svnpubsub? (same setup  Dave and I did for
>>> Mesos
>>> and Aurora). Do we have a static site to port over or someone to help
>>> lend
>>> a hand for this (volunteers)?
>> We don't...
>> Dave what's your plan on this? If we don't have the resources to maintain
>> one for now, can we utilize something like this <
>> https://mysos.readthedocs.org/en/latest/> (I created it)? It's free with
>> zero maintenance (just pulls the docs/ folder) and we can probably get a
>> domain name. Does the official URL need to stay as <
>> http://mysos.incubator.apache.org/>?
>>> Reviewboard vs Github: Mesos and Aurora both use Reviewboard for their
>>> reviews, have used github for other projects, but feels segmented to rest
>>> of the dev workflow. What do we want to use here so we can get it
>>> documented right away.
>> +1 for Reviewboard.
>>> Project Name: I have submitted a name search [2] and we will need to
>>> have a
>>> discussion around what we want to do, this is based on other discussion
>>> threads occurring on general@incubator and board@ lists.
>> We've been discussing a few alternatives internally. Will report back.
>> The general feeling is, though, to not change it if we don't have to.
>>> -Jake
>>> [1]: http://incubator.apache.org/projects/mysos.html
>>> [2]: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/PODLINGNAMESEARCH-78

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