On Sun, 2006-02-12 at 19:29 +0100, Andre Schnabel wrote:
> Some numbers presented by Thorsten have been interesting for that. So, 
> during 1.x codeline most of the issues (87%) have been reported by Sun. 
> For 2.0 codeline mayority of the issues (75%) has been reported by the 
> community.  At the moment, the rate of CWS approvals by the community is 
> low, but we hopefully can improove that as well.
> The work of the comunity with "filtering" and confirming issues is 
> welcomed and of increasing quality.

Good news

> - Community should be more deeply involved in feature testing. We 
> thought of providing dedicated builds for testing after feature freeze, 
> and test cases for features (some of theses test cases already exist but 
> need to be reviewed before beeing published)

Also worth monitoring the Ubuntu process -
http://lwn.net/Articles/171424/ - to see if that's something we could


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