Thanks Joo Yeon!

I've set the fix versions for the issues I've reported as per your
suggestion. There is quite a lot of them!

This is how I did it. Hope it is useful for others doing the same.
- I've used this query in the JIRA to filter the issues
reporter = johnyangk AND project="Apache Nemo" AND status = Resolved
- Some of the issues were marked 'Resolved' but the Resolution was 'Won't
fix"(or Invalid, etc), which means that the issue was not addressed with a
PR but was just closed. I've decided not to mark fix version for those
- For the others, I've marked the fix version one by one.
- Only one of my issues was resolved after Nov.20

Since there is a lot of resolved issues reported by a number of different
committers, and it appears that only the issue reporter has the access to
mark fix version, I suppose it is important for everyone to check their
issues and set fix versions appropriately.

However, some committers may not be active in the community at the moment,
or may miss this thread. We may need a way to deal with issues reported by
those folks, if necessary.


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