
at this point in time I don't see any benefit in producing a bunch of
different netbeans releases.

Am Freitag, den 19.04.2019, 21:57 -0400 schrieb Geertjan Wielenga:
> I think one of the coolest things we could do together is spin out a
> separate distro specifically for PHP/JS type developers.

what is the use case of that special distribution? 

> We had that before, it only requires JRE, not JDK, and would mean the
> potential for a small snappy editor-focused tool (that as a side effect
> could be interesting for users of a few comparable editors we can all think
> of).

The JRE is dead (for any Java version >= 9), at least that is what
every java vendor is telling. You can either get a JDK from Azul or Red
Hat and/or Amazon or stay in the past with JRE derived from JDK 8.

If we could build a fully runnable NetBeans for people not interested
in Java, ok, but neigther the ASF, nor Oracle do anything visible to
resolve the big problem in the room:

GPLv2+CPE at this time is not acceptable as a dependency for the ASF at
this time (there is an open issue, that asks for moving GPLv2+CPE to
Category B, but the ASF side raised concers and noone stood up to calm

I don't think, that random comments will help here:


But comments from lawyers, preferable from oracle, could help to
resolve this. Mayber it would be possible to reword the CPE to make it
compatible with the ASFs requirements for dependencies.

That would help _many_ apache projects, as many apache projects are
Java projects and so implicitly depend on OpenJDK (if I'm not mistaken
there is _no_ other open source Java distribution out there, that is
even remotely as up-to-date and open as OpenJDK).

Just my 2 cents.



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