+1 (binding)

It seems I have an environmental issue. I've started with importing 11.3 stuff with Java SE setup and there was no Groovy cluster available, even after I've installed the rest of the clusters with the installer. Cleaning the userdir made it work then. However if you install JavaSE only then there is no Groovy + Gradle support available.

So, right now, without JavaEE installed there is no Gradle support. That can be handled later.

On 6/3/20 9:04 AM, Laszlo Kishalmi wrote:
-1 (binding)

Something really went wrong.

The signature and checksum are good.

Tried to install. It says that Java SE requires HTML/Javascript which is a bit strange.

What's worse the Groovy cluster cannot be installed at all. So no Gradle support in this distribution available.

Well, I've checked this far.

Minor issue that the used desktop icon is a low resolution one.


On 6/3/20 2:56 AM, Eric Barboni wrote:
Hi folks,

Main vote is almost over,  The easiest installer for linux can be voted I guess (no certification request or notarizaion). Not tested myself having
only textual linux.

Primary voting artifact:


KEYS file:


PGP signature file:


SHA512 checksum file


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This vote is going to be open at least 72 hours, vote with +1, 0, and -1 as

Please mark your vote with (binding) if you're an Apache NetBeans PMC

Apache NetBeans-12.0 Linux Installer will be released if and when this vote

Best Regards,


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