Please don’t omit Gradle from this discussion. 


> On Aug 10, 2020, at 12:06 PM, Will Hartung <> wrote:
> Ant has been the historic underlying build tool for Netbeans projects, but
> over the years, not only has NB been a very good companion with Maven,
> Maven is also much more popular industry wide.
> There was a comment on the user list recently about Java FX, and one reply
> was, paraphrasing, "the best way to use Java FX was to use Maven".
> I was also looking at the legacy NB Platform tutorials, which use Ant, but
> certainly need some updating.
> But that brought the question. Should one style of build be promoted over
> the other, are both systems "faithfully and fully supported", or is Ant
> going to perhaps slowly die on the vine of disinterest?
> Is there any internal mandate of ensuring compatibility between the two
> build system, especially in terms of ensuring high level things like
> wizards and whatnot work for both systems? If someone adds a new feature,
> contrived, "Create a Microprofile web service", is the project obligated
> (as much as it's obligated to do anything) to create a wizard for both Ant
> and Maven, or is it acceptable to only use one mechanism?
> Just curious if there's any formal position on the two systems and their
> status within the NB environment today.

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