This is a vote on the lib.profiler native binaries. As the binary
artefacts are consumed by the IDE build, we need to release them
separately when they need updating.

The main purpose of this version is to allow us to ship Apple Silicon
support for the profiler in NetBeans 20.

Primary voting artefact :
SHA : 

Alongside the source artefact are the zipped binary artefacts :

Once released the binaries will be consumed by the IDE.  A draft PR,
including dev build, using the staged artefacts is at

The source and binary artefacts were created in GitHub actions run using the
workflow at

The workflow extracts the necessary parts of the NetBeans repository
into the source bundle, then passes the source bundle to the various
different OS runners to build the binaries.  See the workflow file for
how to build from source on each OS.

This vote is going to be open at least 72 hours. Vote with +1, 0, and
-1 as usual. Please mark your vote with (binding) if you're an Apache
NetBeans PMC member.

Many thanks everyone,

Best wishes,


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