
On Wed, Oct 19, 2016 at 1:21 AM, Wade Chandler <cons...@wadechandler.com> wrote:
> ...Does the Apache git infra support pull requests?...

I'll describe the current status, a more integrated experimental
workflow is used by a few projects but AFAIK not ready for more
widespread use right now.

The general idea is that only bare Git repositories are hosted at
Apache, they are the canonical repositories from which releases are

Those repositories are automatically mirrored to GitHub, to be able to
take advantage of (most of) the nice GitHub tools.

https://reference.apache.org/committer/git has the general info, and
in addition https://reporeq.apache.org/ allows for creating new Git
repositories on Apache infrastructure.

Several Apache projects work with GitHub pull requests,
is a good example of that AFAICS.

I'm not involved in any Apache projects using Git so far so other
mentors can probably add to this.


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