Hi again,

El 27/11/17 a las 19:49, William L. Thomson Jr. escribió:
This was buried in the other thread. Given how frustrating it was for
me. I thought I would make it more visible for others to find.

To resolve the following "Cannot find resource" simply add

--source-path src

The NetBeans build system is very complex and does lots of things. So don't be frustrated: this is going to take some time and effort.

I was wondering if you could benefit of taking a look at the result of one of our builds at [1].

I think we can generate a verbose build somehow for you to see all those little flags being passed to the compiler, to jar, etc.. If you're interested I'll try to generate a verbose build in a few days. (The resulting build log may be huge, btw.).


[1] https://travis-ci.org/apache/incubator-netbeans/builds/

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